Thursday 14 January 2016

French Taylor - Mentoring High School Kids

French Taylor likes to stay busy even when he is out of the office. He has numerous hobbies that help appease his levels of energy, some of which are also put forth to the betterment of his community. He can often be seen at local high schools during the week, serving as a mentor to students. Mentoring high school kids can yield numerous benefits to the community, such as the ones described below.

French Taylor
French Taylor
 Encouraging Safe and Healthy Lifestyles

Through being a role model for high school students, French Taylor helps keep kids out of trouble by encouraging them to pursue their dreams and not get distracted by social pressures. Many people that age who do not engage in sports or other extracurricular activities can be exposed to criminal activity and other such behaviors that could be detrimental to their future as well as those around them. By being an older person these kids can look up to, Taylor offers encouragement for embracing safe and healthy lifestyles.

Helping Others Reach their Potential

One of the biggest sources of motivation behind youth mentors is the opportunity to see that person grow up to become all that he or she wanted to be. Lifetime friends are made through mentorship, and the youth who grow up to be exceptional people often look back to their mentors with gratitude for their encouragement throughout such a delicate period of their lives.

French Taylor is proud to mentor youth and be a positive influence on his community.